How to turn your products into intelligent items to boost customer loyalty and sales.

Nowadays there are smart refrigerators. These are the wonderful refrigerator models that offer a wide range of functions to make life easier for the user. Even some of these smart objects come with a voice assistant included. Just talk to the fridge to find out the expiration date of a product or make the purchase online.

The really wonderful thing about it would be to be able to transfer this intelligence to any object, don’t you think? That is, that any object could give the user the information he needs, warn him of certain events, etc.

You may think that it is not feasible for any object to offer these possibilities. It may seem unpayable to you to make the conversion from an inert object to an intelligent object. Or you might think it’s not worth it if the object or machine is not high-end and of a certain minimum price.

However, there is nothing further from reality.  With TicTAP you can convert any

If you apply it to the products you sell or to the facilities you manage (boiler rooms, conditioned appliances, elevators, etc.), this conversion can be the key to differentiate yourself from the competition and optimize your work.

In other words: improve your sales and performance.

The reason for this statement is that the conversion of your products or installations into intelligent objects will allow you to:

  • Optimize work systems in your company
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition
  • Even create a one-channela-one with your customers for loyalty and increase your sales

In this article we explain:

  1. How to do it. 
  2. Some of the main features you could add to your products or installations, and the benefits they would have for your business.

From inert objects to intelligent objects

To convert the objects you want into intelligent elements, the first step is to have a TicTAP account and order TicTAP-NFC tags. It is also possible to create QR codes from the TicTAP platform. So you can print them yourself, without having to request the NFC tags.

Now, if you want to offer the convenience of contactless from the mobile to your users/customers when they interact with the smart object through their own mobile, you will need the TicTAP NFC tags.

As we said before, all this at a much more affordable price than any other alternative you can think of (Internet of Things, apps developed by your IT team to measure, etc).

From the TicTAP platform you can create as many webapps as you want. The system is based on templates, forms, etc. You can create them yourself by dragging and dropping ( drag & drop) the elements you want on each page/form of the webapp. You do not need to have an IT machine.

If instead of selling specific products, manages the maintenance of products or systems (maintenance of fire extinguishers, elevators, machine rooms, etc.), the system is the same. You only need to attach TicTAP NFC tags to each of these items to manage.

Benefits of offering smart objects

The list of benefits of turning products into smart objects is long. Below we highlight the main benefits that will help you improve sales and customer loyalty. 

The object itself provides the information to the user

How many times does a user want to interact with a machine and get desperate looking for the instruction manual, if at all?

Simple situations such as knowing what consumable material would be recommended by the manufacturer or seller (you); or that the power goes out and when the user returns he needs to reconfigure the product; or that in a factory he wants to know how a particular machine should be maintained.

For the user it is ideal as you only require a mobile phone placed close to the TicTAP NFC tag that is on the same machine (or asset) and access the webapp with a password. There you can have made available both the user manual, as well as parts that are compatible for repairs, assemblies, etc. You can even provide them with the link to order new consumables or spare parts.

Maximize the impact of your marketing actions by sending your promotions only to customers who will be interested
Every time we receive in the mail more offers, newsletters with promotions, etc. The volume of this type of emails is so high that users are getting a finer filter, so we only open those messages that really interest us. The rest are often marked as Spam.

That’s why it’s so important that the message title resonates with the recipient. But as good as you write and very creative as you are with the titles, if what you offer is not interested, no one will buy you anything. Your messages will be perceived as noise and users will unsubscribe.

Fortunately, there is now a way to know which customers who have purchased a product from us may be interested in a specific promotion. So we can send it only to them. There is also a way to send the message to the mobile as notification instead of as mail, where you compete with so much newsletter. This way is TicTAP.

Imagine a company that sells laser printers to companies. Each printer is added a TicTAP label. Thanks to it, customers make their toner orders by bringing their mobile to the printer. This month the selling company wants to promote the purchase of toners, but only those of certain models. From the TicTAP management platform you can send a mobile notification to users with the promotion. It does indicate that it is only received by customers of printer models for which the promotion makes sense.

In this way, users receive notifications that can really interest them. They will never receive the announcement of a promotion related to a model they do not have. So in the mid term they will perceive your ads as valuable, as they will be truly personalized and relevant to them

Offers direct contact to customers to gain their trust

When a machine, appliance, object, etc. breaks, a tare is present or you need some kind of spare part/consumable material, and you have to look for contact information about the manufacturer or seller, it is very frustrating how much it costs to find it.

This is also the typical time when there is no way to find out how to contact the manufacturer or the seller. When you finally find a phone or a contact email on the web, when you call or write they forward you to another.

In these cases the client wants an easy and direct channel to express his discontent. What he wants is to be able to say: “hey! I am here, with this product that I have bought you depositing my trust in you, and now it does not work or I have doubts about an aspect and I do not find who to ask”. In addition, in this situation the customer wants to feel heard as quickly and easily as possible.

Again, you can make it easier for your customers to contact you using TicTAP. Through its management platform, you can create a screen with contact information and even with a contact form.

In the event that the client has a problem, just zoom in on the mobile and the webapp you created will open. In it, you can access that screen and contact you easily through the channel you have determined (phone, e-mail, etc).

Record the revisions in the smart object itself to optimize your work system

Whether you produce or sell machines that require periodic reviews, or if you perform and manage the maintenance of facilities, safety products, elevators, etc., this functionality will have a high impact on the optimization of work in your company, your profitability, and how the customer perceives your products.

If you sell products that require periodic review (e.g. cars, kitchen machines such as high-end coffee makers, fire extinguishers, etc.), TicTAP NFC tags along with the TicTAP platform will allow you to record revisions.

You only need to create the webapp and create the revision form. The platform allows you to create the pages and forms of the webapp in a visual and intuitive way by dragging and dropping the fields you want in the form to be created.

This way you don’t need to hire an IT team to do it, and you don’t need to rely on it for any future changes you want to make to the pages and forms you create.

Each time a technician makes a review of the appliance or installation, he or she may bring his or her mobile phone closer to the label of the smart object or installation, and enter the information in the form fields that you have configured (revision results, date, etc.).

In this way, if the customer or the technician of the next revision needs to see any data from the previous revision/repair such as the date on which it was made, the maintenance performed, etc., just bring the mobile closer.

Record and report repairs from your mobile phone to improve the quality of your service and customer satisfaction

In case the machine or installation with TciTAP NFC label breaks down or has a problem in any of its components, the technician can write down the reason for the breakdown and the applied solution. 

In this way, if it breaks down again after a while, it can be checked if the reason is the same, the solution applied last time, etc.

The customer will perceive a sense of control and good management of the breakdown by leaving it registered. He himself will be able to access this information, manuals etc. of the machine if you want it from his same mobile also approaching the label NFC.

For your company, perform repairs and revisions in this way, will involve an optimization in this type of actions. The records obtained and the actions performed by the technicians and recorded in the form, will be automatically available to the rest of the team.

This allows the data to be manageable, can be automatically reported, control certain aspects to make better decisions in the way you work, etc.

Offer intelligent objects to differentiate and optimize your work and thus increase sales and customer satisfaction

As we have seen in this article, you can convert any machine or parts that you sell, or installations that you control and manage, in intelligent objects.

In other words, elements that contain and provide their own information. You only need to do this: the TicTAP platform and the TicTAP NFC tags. 

Its benefits are many. Today we have highlighted that with TicTAP you can:

  • strong>Register reviews
  • Register repairs
  • strong>Send direct notifications only to customers who will be interested in the specific notification
  • Offer a direct contact to customers

If you want to know more about converting the products you sell, or the facilities you manage, on smart objects and get the benefits presented in this article, contact us here.

Discover how you can convert your products or installations into intelligent objects, to optimize your work system and increase sales

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