Success stories: TAG Carretillas

Traceability and efficient management of forklifts

TAG Forklifts faced a crucial challenge: the lack of traceability of their assets. As a company dedicated to leasing and renting forklifts, it was essential to have an efficient system to manage the documentation, maintenance, incidents and history of each of its trucks. However, they lacked a solution that would allow them to accurately and quickly track information related to their assets. This led to difficulties in decision-making, waste of time searching for relevant data and inefficient management in general. In search of an effective solution, TAG Trucks turned to TicTAP, which has provided the necessary traceability and control to optimize its operation.

Provided efficiency, accuracy and quick access to critical information

The ability to keep historical records of trucks in digital format has been critical for TAG Trucks. They can now easily access all relevant information about each machine, including its maintenance history, repairs and upgrades, allowing them to make informed decisions about the management and replacement of their assets. In addition, TicTAP has been an invaluable tool for accessing user manuals, information on accessories and opportunities for improvement in rental.

Optimizing guarantees and preventive maintenance

The platform has also been key to managing the forklift warranty conditions, ensuring that the agreed terms are met and avoiding any inconvenience. In addition, TicTAP has simplified and improved the preventive maintenance process by providing custom checklists, ensuring every inspection is performed thoroughly and without omissions.

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Now is your turn! Apply intelligent control and management to your assets

Consigue una gestión completa, una trazabilidad de 360º y una comunicación y marketing directos con tus clientes.

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