Installations and maintenance

Control the maintenance of your installations in an easy and complete way.

Now you can transform your facilities into smart objects without costly personalized infrastructure or IoT.

Get a versatile, powerful and simple to implement and use solution to manage all your installations

Link information, forms, etc. to each installation, whatever the type: boilers, ventilation systems, fire extinguishers or any other machine or object.

Quick and easy access to information from mobile without additional app

Avoid costs in developing custom apps or expensive devices.

Data intelligence at every facility

TicTAP transforms your installations into useful data sources for maintenance by displaying references, visualizations, etc.

Economical yet versatile and powerful

You can use TicTAP in any type of installation for what you need: provide information, update it, collect new information or even one-to-one marketing.

Quick and easy connection from any device

With TicTAP, facility operators only need to bring a mobile phone to access the facility’s or asset’s information, add new data, contact you, etc.

TicTAP does not require an application to be installed on mobile or that you purchase any device or tablet from us. Any mobile will read the label.

Have data intelligence in your facilities

The TicTAP platform presents the information intelligently, even showing the relationships that exist between the different facilities, machines or objects.

Ease of use

As administrator of all facilities, you will be able to access and manage all your information (historical, breakdowns, etc.) through the TicTAP platform without the need for technical knowledge.

The platform is easy and intuitive and will allow you to create all the forms and other functionalities that you wish to link to each installation with the simple drag-and-drop mouse gesture.


An economical solution

You only need to add a TicTAP tag to each installation or object you want and you will be able to access and manage the data linked to it.

You can use it in any type of installation or asset, unifying its management in a single platform, and without infrastructure costs or special monitoring devices.

These clients already trust us

Some of them have integrated TicTAP with the systems that they already had for other management purposes in the company.

We work with the support of reference partners:

We keep a close relationship with leading partners in their sector to ensure that we fully satisfy the needs of our clients.

TicTAP is for your company

The flexibility of TicTAP allows you to take advantage of its functionalities and benefits for your company.

TicTAP for B2B

TicTAP for B2C

TicTAP for B2B2C

Apply intelligent control and management to your facilities

Get complete management, 360º traceability and direct communication and marketing with your customers.

Request a demo

Discover how TicTAP can help you manage the maintenance of facilities and assets, your work team and communication with your clients

Delgado Instal·lacions con TicTAP: Unificación y aumento de eficiencia en mantenimiento de instalaciones

Delgado Instal·lacions es una empresa referente por su experiencia y especialización en el sector de las instalaciones en Andorra. Una de sus prioridades es el poder garantizar al cliente un funcionamiento eficiente de sus instalaciones mediante su servicio de mantenimiento de instalaciones.

Para conseguir su objetivo, Delgado Instal·lacions investiga e invierte en la digitalización y automatización de las tareas necesarias para el matenimiento. Para ello cuentan con TicTAP, especialmente para:

Grupo Damm con TicTAP: Revisión eficaz de equipos de seguridad en planta

Grupo Damm es una empresa bien establecida en el sector de la elaboración, envasado y distribución de cerveza, agua y refrescos de diferentes sabores. Durante sus más de 100 años de trayectoria, Grupo Damm se ha expandido y diversificado su actividad extendiéndola a sectores como restauración, distribución y logística.

En una empresa de tal magnitud, facilitar la gestión en cualquier proceso quiere decir maximizar productividad y eficiencia. Por ello, Grupo Damm cuenta con TicTAP para la gestión y mantenimiento de sus equipos de prevención de incendios y extintores. Cumplir con la normativa es necesario para garantizar la seguridad de los empleados y las fábricas, pero el mantenimiento que requiere con los sistemas tradiciones en papel, excels, etc. como muchas empresas hacen, convierten esta gestión y mantenimiento en una tarea farragosa, con facilidad de creación de errores y, en definitiva, costosa para la empresa.

Con TicTAP, los extintores y equipos de mantenimiento se convierten en contenedores mismos de la información. El responsable de su mantenimento sólo necesita acercar el móvil a la etiqueta TicTAP del extintor e introducir la información de la nueva revisión y mantenimiento realizados. Simplemente, fácil, funcional y asequible.

De esta manera, Grupo Damm ha conseguido con TicTAP:

Solicita una demo

Descubre cómo TicTAP puede ayudarte a gestionar el mantenimiento de instalaciones y activos, tu equipo de trabajo y la comunicación con tus clientes

Damm Group with TicTAP: Effective review of plant safety equipment

Damm Group with TicTAP: Effective review of plant safety equipment
Damm Group is a well established company in the sector of brewing, packaging and distribution of beer, water and soft drinks of different flavors. During its more than 100 years of experience, Damm Group has expanded and diversified its activity extending it to sectors such as restoration, distribution and logistics.

In a company of such magnitude, facilitating management in any process means maximizing productivity and efficiency. Therefore, Damm Group has TicTAP for the management and maintenance of its fire prevention equipment and fire extinguishers. Compliance with regulations is necessary to ensure the safety of employees and factories, but the maintenance it requires with traditional systems on paper, excels, etc. as many companies do, make this management and maintenance a cumbersome task, easy to create errors and ultimately costly for the company.

With TicTAP, fire extinguishers and maintenance equipment become information containers themselves. The person responsible for their maintenance only needs to bring the mobile to the TicTAP label of the extinguisher and enter the information of the new revision and maintenance performed. Simply, easy, functional and affordable.

In this way, Grupo Damm has achieved with TicTAP:

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